A few new Australian plants arrived today
Anigozanathos manglesii (2 gallon pots)
Banksia blechnifolia (2 gallon pots)
Banksia repens (one gallon pots)
Hakea petiolaris (2 gallon pots)
New Succulents just arrived and a few other plants.
Aeonium Jack Catlin (2 gallon pots)
Aeonium Purple Queen (3 gallon pots)
Agave bovicornuta Holstein (2 gallon)
Agave magnifica (3 gallon)
Agave parrasana Sea Star (3 gallon)
Agave salmiana var. ferox Medio Picta (2 gallon)
Agave Snow Glow (2 gallon)
Agave Tres Equis (3 gallon)
Aloe Chico Banana (3 gallon)
Aloe marlothii Utrecht Form (3 gallon)
Aloe nobilis Variegata ( 2 gallon)
Alstroemeria Indian Summer (2 gallon)
Cannomois grandis (one gallon pots)
Cannomois grandis Large Seed Form (5 gallon pots)
Echeveria Lipstick (2 gallon pots)
Echeveria Mexican Giant (2 gallon pots)
Lomandra h. Lucky Stripe (one gallon pots)
Mangave Praying Hands (one gallon pots)
Melaleuca incana Prostrate Form (one gallon pots)
Sincoregelia Galactic Warrior (2 gallon pots)
Yucca queretaroenisss RTT (obe gallon pots)
Just arrived! First delivery of new plants for 2025
Grevillea Austraflora Fanfare - A prostrate grevillea.
Agave Snow Glow (One gallon pots) A variegated variety of Agave Blue Glow
Anigozanthos Aussie Spirit (one gallon pots) Kangaroo Paws
Aspidistra elatior Variegata (one gallon pots) Great plant for shade with streaks of white variegation.
Begonia gehrtii Comet (one gallon pots)
Dudleya brittonii (one gallon pots)
Grevillea Austraflora Fanfare (one and five gallon pots)
Grevillea gaudichaudii (one and five gallon pots)
Grevillea Poorinda Royal Mantle (five gallon pots)
Leucadendron Afterburner (one and five gallon pots)
Leucadendron laxum (one gallon pots)
Leucospermum glabrum Helderfontein (five gallon pots) Pincushion Protea
Leucospermum gueinzii (five gallon pots) Pincushion Protea
Lomandra longifolia Platinum Beauty (4” pots)
Neoreglia Treasure Royale (6” pots) Bromeliad. Houseplant
Pinguicula moctezumae (4” pots) Carnivorous plant with hot pink flowers. Great for kitchen windowsill to catch gnats.
Sansevieria Golden Flame Superba (6” pots) Houseplant
New Australian shrubs just arrived - plus a few other plants including new Tillandsias (air plants).
Banksia blechnifolia
Banksia blechnifolia (2 gallon pots)
Banksia petiolaris (4” pots)
Banksia prionotes Dwarf form (4” pots)
Eucalyptus macracarpa (2 gallon pots)
Geum Tempo Coral (4” pots)
Geum Tempo Rose (One gallon pots)
Lobelia exclesa (2 gallon pots)
Lobelia polyphylla (2 gallon pots)
Lobelia tupa (2 gallon pots)
Tillandsia (several new air plants just arrived)
New unique varieties of shrubs and trees just arrived for fall planting
Acer macrophyllum Santiam Snows (one gallon pots) Variegated Bigleaf MAPLE
Acer palmatum Elena’s Coral Dawn (one gallon pots) Japanese Maple - Coral colored spring growth.
Acer palmatum Peve Starfish (one gallon pots)
Acer palamtum Twombly’s Red Sentinel (one gallon pots)
Chionanthus virginicus Little Leslie (one gallon pots) Dwarf Fringe Tree
Corylopsis spicata Golden Spring (one gallon pots) Winter Hazel
Drimys lanceolata Suzette (one gallon pots) Variegated Mountain Pepper
Embothrium coccineum (one gallon pots) Chilean Fire Tree
Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Nana (one gallon pots) Dwarf European Beech
Fagus sylvatica Rohan Red Weeping (one gallon pots) Weeping Beech Tree
Illicium floridanium Woodlanders Variegated (one gallon pots) Variegated Anise
Microbiota decussata Carnival (one gallon pots) Variegated Microbiota
Quercus cerris Aureo Marmorata (one gallon pots) Variegated Turkey Oak
Quercus rubra Wingle’s Variegated (one gallon pot) Variegated Red Oak Tree
Robinia pseudoacacia Frisia (one gallon pots) Golden Locust Tree
Viburnum falcatum (one gallon pots) Forked Viburnum - White lace cap flowers followed by red fruits turning black in fall. Beautiful Red fall color.
Zelkova serrata Goshiki (one gallon pots) Variegated Zelkova Tree
New plants available Friday during our fall sale
Leucadendron Wilson's Wonder
Agave ovatifolia Vanzie (5 gallon pots)
Blechnum spicant (one and 5 gallon pots) Deer Ferns
Centaurea ragusina Silver Swirl (one gallon pots)
Dryopteris erythrosora (4” & one gallon pots) Autumn Ferns
Dudleya Monterey Bay Nursery Hybrids (4” pots)
Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum (5 gallon pots)
Grevillea lanigera Mt. Tamboritha (one gallon pots)
Grevillea nudiflora Medusa (one gallon pots) Groundcover Grevillea
Leucadendron Ebony (one gallon pots)
Leucadendron galpinii (female) (5 gallon pots) Conebush - Great for flower arrangements.
Leucadendron linifolium (female) ( 5 gallon pots) Conebush - Great for arrangements.
Leucadendron Wilson Wonder (5 gallon pots)
Leucadendron Wonderland (5 gallon pots) Variegated form of L. Wilson’s Wonder
Leucospermum Blanche Ito (5 gallon pots)
Ophipogon planiscapus Nigrescens (4” pots) Black Mondo Grass
Pyrrosia lingua Compacta (one gallon pots)
Pyrrosia lingua Ogon Nishiki (one gallon pots) Variegated Tongue Fern
Sempervivum Gold Nugget (6” pots)
Sempervivum Gold Rush (6” pots)
Yucca rostrata Sapphire Skies (5 gallon pots)
Sale! Starting Saturday, September 21st till Monday, September 30th
Leucadendron Wilson's Wonder
Do not miss Peacock Horticultural Nursery’s annual Fall sale.
When: Saturday, September 21st till Monday, September 30th
Discount: 20% off all plants and merchandise.
Hope you can make it. Please make an appointment to attend the sale.
More new plants have arrived for September.
Leucospermum Blanche Ito (Pincushion)
Achillea Moonshine (Quart pots)
Agave bracteosa Calamar (5 gallon pots)
Agave titanota White Ice (one gallon pots)
Ajuga Catlin’s Giant (Quart pots)
Centaurea ragusina Silver Swirl (one gallon pots)
Cheilanthes lanosa (one gallon pots)
Cordyline Design-a-Line Burgundy (5 gallon pots)
Delospermum Jewel of the Desert Peridot (4” pots)
Dudleya Monterey Bay Nursery Hybrids (one gallon pots)
Epiphyllum anguliger (6” pots)
Leucadendron salignum Strawberry Blond (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum Blanche Ito (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum cordifolium Cinnabar (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum cordifolium High Gold (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum Rainbow (5 gallon pots)
Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks (Quart pots)
Platycerium superbum (6” pots)
Protea Pink Ice (5 gallon pots)
Protea Sylvia (5 gallon pots)
Sedum r. Angelina (4” pots)
Sempervivum Gold Nugget (6” pots)
Sempervivum Gold Rush (6” pots)
Yucca rostrata Sapphire Skies (5 gallon pots)
New plants - Lots of new succulents and more!
Agave celsii albicans UCB
Acacia aphylla (5 gallon pots)
Aechmea caudata variegata (5 gallon pots)
Agave attenuata Kara’s Stripes (2 gallon pots)
Agave bracteosa Monterey Frost (2 gallon pots) Variegated
Agave celsii var. albicans ‘UCB’ ( 3 gallon pots)
Agave oteroi Filigree (2 gallon pots)
Agave oteroi Filigree Devil (P5 pots)
Agave oteroi Solar Eclipse (2 gallon pots)
Aloe reitzii (one gallon pots)
Aloe marlothii Utrecht form (one gallon pots)
Athanasia dentata (one gallon pots)
Cussonia paniculata ssp sinuata (one gallon pots)
Drosanthemum speciosum (one gallon pots)
Echeveria agavoides Prolifera (3 gallon pots)
Echeveria colorata Mexican Giant (2 gallon pots)
Echium simplex (one gallon pots)
Hymenolepis crithmifolia (one gallon pots)
Lomandra hystrix Sunsprite (3 gallon pots)
Mangave Pineapple Express (one gallon & 2 gallon pots)
A few new arrivals - succulents, caudiciforms & a cactus
Gerradanthus macrorhizus
Euphorbia obesa clumping form (6” pots)
Fockea crispa (8” pots)
Gerradanthus macrorhizus (6” pots)
Melocactus matazanus (6” pots)
New Plants available this Friday
Aloe arborescens x ferox Tangerine (3 gallon pots)
Aloe marlothii x sinkatana (3 gallon pots)
Beccariophoenix alfredii (5 gallon pots) High Plateau Coconut Plam
Echinocactus grusonii (3 gallon pots)
Fatsia japonica Spider’s Web (3 gallon pots)
Leucadendron Jester (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum Brandi de la Cruz (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum cuneiforme Goldie (5 gallon pots)
Leucospermum Flame Giant (5 gallon pots)
Rhapis excelsa (7 gallon pots) Broadleaf Lady Palm
Sabel minor (5 gallon pots) Dwarf palmetto
Trachycarpus fortunei (one gallon & 3 gallon pots) Chinese Windmill Palm
New plants for June
Leucadendron Jester
Leaucadendron Jester
Anigozanthos Landscape Gold (one gallon pots)
Banksia ashbyi (15 gallon pots)
Banksia prionotes (5 gallon pots) Acorn Banksia
Brachychiton rupestris (4” Band Pots & 15 gallon pots) Queensland Bottle Tree
Erythrina zeyheri (4” Band pots) Only one foot tall with red flowers in summer. Winter dormant.
Geum Petticoats Peach (one gallon pots) Flowers in sunset shades.
Leucadendron Jester (4” Band Pots) Variegated Leucadendron
Protea cynaroides (4” Band pots) King Protea
Schotia brachypetala (5 gallon pots)
New plant arrivals for the end of May 2024
Aloe x nobilis Great for feeding Hummingbirds in summer!
Agave salmiana var. ferox ‘Medio Picta’ (2 gallon pots)
Aloe capitata var. quarziticola (one gallon pots)
Aloe x nobilis (2 gallon pots) Summer blooms for your hummers!
Echeveria agavoides ‘Lipstick’ (2 gallon pots) Hardy succulent.
Lomandra hystrix ‘Sunprite’ (3 gallon pots) Hardy variegated Rush for sun to part shade. Low water needs.
Lomandra longifolia Miner’s Gold (one gallon pots)
Malephora purpureo-crocea (one gallon pots) Succulent groundcover with orange flowers.
Mangave ‘Falling Waters’ (2 gallon pots)
Mangave ‘Pineapple Express’ (one gallon pots)
Operculicarya decaryi (2 gallon pots) Elephant Tree
Sinningia ‘Lovely’ (one gallon pots) Dark pink hardy Gloxinia
Templetonia retusa (5 gallon pots) Coral Bush
Xanthorrhea preissii (7 gallon Squat pot) Western Australian Grass Tree
New Succulents, Australian Plants and more for May 2024
Aeonium Chanel (syn. Aeonium Cornish Rose)
Aeonium Pink Witch
Acacia cognata ‘Cousin Itt’ (one & five gallon pots)
Aeonium Chanel (4” pots) syn A. Cornish Rose
Aeonium Medusa (4” pots)
Aeonium Pink Witch (4” pots)
Aeonium Superbang (4” pots)
Aeonium Venus (4” pots)
Aeonium White Halloween (4” pots)
Aeonium Zeus (4” pots)
Aeonium Zwartkin Crested (4” pots)
Agave stricta (one gallon pots)
Ajuga reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ (4” pots)
Aloe ariatata (4” pots)
Aloe brevifolia (2 gallon pots) Currently in bloom!
Alstroemeria ‘Princess Lisa’ (one gallon pots) Yellow flowers.
Alstroemeria ‘ Princess Yentl’ (one gallon pots) Yellow & white flowers
Begonia ‘Lotusland’ (five gallon pots)
Callistemon viminalis ‘Little John’ (one gallon pots) Dwarf Bottlebrush
Delosperma dyeri ‘Red Mountain Flame’ (4” pots) Orange/red flowers. Succulent groundcover.
Delosperma nubigenum ‘White Wonder’ (4” pots) Succulent groundcover.
Dudleya brittonii (4” pots)
Dudleya farinosa ‘North Coast Form’ (4” pots)
Dudleya Steven McCabe Hybrids (one gallon pots)
Euphorbia martinii ‘Ascot Rainbow’ (Quart pots)
Euphorbia ‘Miner’s Merlot’ (4” pots)
Grevillea ‘Austroflora Fanfare’ (five gallon pots)
Grevillea gaudichaudii (five gallon pots)
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ (4” pots) Forest Grass
Jovibarba heuffelii ‘Beacon Hill’ (4” pots)
Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ (one gallon pots)
Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ (one gallon pots)
Origanum Kirigami (Quart pots) Ornamental Oregano
Polystichum setiferum ‘Plumosum Densum’ (4” pots)
Sedum burrito (4” pots) Donkey’s Tail
Sedum lineare ‘Sea Urchin’ (4” pots)
Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’ (4” pots)
Sedum rupestre ‘ Angelina’ (4” pots)
Sempervivum ‘Onyx’ (4” pots) Mahogany to black foliage.
Silene uniflora ‘Druett’s Variegated’ (Quart pots)
Yucca rostrata ‘Sapphire Skies (five gallon pots)
Alstroemeria Princess Yentl
Aeonium Medusa
New plants have arrived for Spring
Leucadendron Ebony
Leucadendron Ebony
New succulents, Australians plants and ferns have arrived just in time for Spring. We also received a few Beschorneria Flamingo Glow in one-gallon containers. Our Flamingo Glow in our garden just bloomed.
Agave ‘Blue Glow’ (one gallon pots)
Agave geminiflora (one gallon pots)
Aloe ‘Hercules’ (one gallon pots)
Beschorneria y. ‘Flamingo Glow’ (one gallon pots)
Coniogramme e. ‘Golden Zebra’ (2 gallon pots)
Grevillea lavandulacea ‘Penola’ (one gallon pots)
Grevillea ‘Moonlight’ (5 gallon pots)
Jovibarba h. ‘Beacon Hill’ (4” pots)
Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ (one gallon pots)
Pteris cretica ‘Albo-lineata’ (4” pots)
Pyrrosia l. ‘Ogon Nishki’ (2 gallon pots)
Sedum r. ‘Angelina’ (4” pots)
Sedum ‘Wildfire’ (4” pots)
Plant of the week - March 29, 2024
Camellia x williamsii ‘Night Rider’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Night Rider’
Camellia x williamsii ‘Night Rider’
I first saw this camellia in bloom at Western Hills Rare Plant Nursery (now Western Hills Garden) in Occidental, CA. The very dark flower color was something I had not seen before, and I immediately added this to my plant wish list. Apparently, this is not the easiest plant to grow in containers making these a bit harder to obtain. I finally acquired some plants from Nuccio’s Nursery (Welcome to Nuccio's Nurseries (nucciosnurseries.com) in southern California. One of these plants is planted in our garden and blooms ever year about this time and is one of the most asked about plants in our garden.
Plant type: Shrub.
Plant size: 4’ wide to 6’ tall in 8 - 10 years.
Growing conditions: Drought tolerant once established, faster growth with additional summer water.
Sun exposure: Part Shade to Shade
USDA Hardiness: 0 - 5 F
Foliage: Red new growth fading to dark green
Flowers: Deep black cherry red
We have a few available in 2 gallon pots.
Camellia x williamsii ‘Night Rider’
Variegated Ginkgo trees and other new trees and shrubs
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
Ginkgo biloba Jaded Jester
- Abies koreana Ice Breaker (one gallon pots)
Acer pseudoplatanus Esk Sunset (one gallon pots)
Acer x conspicuum Esk Flamingo (one gallon)
Aesculus turbinata Marble Chip (one gallon pots)
Catalpa bignoniodes variegata (one gallon pots)
Disanthus cercidifolius Ena Nishiki (one gallon pots)
Drimys lanceolata Suzette (one gallon pots)
Fagus sylvatica Rohan Red Weeping (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Buchholz Variegated (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Fan Dancer (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Jaded Jester (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Joes Great Ray (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Medusa (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Peve Maribo (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Summer Rainbow (one gallon pots)
Ginkgo biloba Sunstream (one gallon pots)
Magnolia macrophylla v. ashei (one gallon pots)
Magnolia x Black Tulip (one gallon pots)
Magnolia x Vulcan (one gallon pots)
Metasequoia glyptostoboides Soul Fire (one gallon pots)
Microbiota decussta Carnival (one gallon pots)
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Star Showers (one gallon pots)
Zelkova serrata Goshiki (one gallon pots)
New Australian Plants, Succulents, Ferns and more have arrived!
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
Protea cynaroides Mini King
- Adiantum venustum (one gallon pots)
Coniogramme e. Golden Zebra (2 gallon pots)
Cordyline obtecta Superstar (one gallon pots) Nice dark leaved variety.
Echeveria agavoides Ebony (2 gallon pots)
Echeveria ‘Ebony’
Echeveria agavoides Scarlet (6″ pots)
Echinocactus grunsonii (2 gallon pots) Golden Barrel Cactus
Elegia capensis (5 gallon pots) Restio
Leucadendron s. Golden Tulip (5 gallon pots)
Leucadendron s. Strawberry Blonde (one gallon pots)
Leucadendron Strawberry Blonde
- Lysimachia n. Goldilocks (Quart pots)
Protea cynaroides Mini King (5 gallon pots)
Protea Pink Ice (5 gallon pots)
Pyrrosia lingua Cristata (one gallon pots)
Agave celsii var. albicans ‘UCB’ finally available!
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
Agave celsii var albicans UCB
- Agave celcii var. albicans ‘UCB’ (3 gallon pots)
Agave parrasana ‘Sea Star’ (3 gallon pots) This variety has done very well with all the cold and winter wet that mother nature has been throwing at them planted in our garden.
Agave parrasana Sea Star
Agave toumeyana var. bella (2 gallon pots)
Aloe arborescens ‘Spineless’ (5 gallon pots)
Aloe ‘Chico Banana’ (3 gallon pots) Yellow flowers
Begonia ‘Joyful Jasper’ (2 gallon pots) Beautiful dark leaved variety!
Cussonia paniculata ssp. sinuata (5 gallon pots)
Mangave ‘Tooth Fairy’ (one gallon pots) This Mangave has tested very well in the garden to handle cold and wet.
Spiky New Arrivals: Mammillarias, Gymnocalyciums, and More!
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
Bijlia dilatata (syn. B. cana) (4″ pots)
Dioscorea elephantipes (4″ pots)
Echinopsis ferox – syn. E. backebergii (4″ and 6″ pots)
Euphorbia inermis v. huttonae (6″ pots)
Euphorbia inermis v. inermis (4″ and 6″ pots)
Euphorbia gorgonis (4″ pots)
Euphorbia shoenlandii (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium bruchii (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium pflanzii v. albipulpi (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium ragonesei (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium reductum ‘leucodictyon’ (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium ritterianum (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium saglionis (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium makieanus (syn G. schatzilianum) (4″ pots)
Haworthia emelyae v. comptoniana (4″ pots)
Lithops bromfieldii (4″ pots)
Mammillaria baumii (4″ pots)
Mammilloydia candida (4″ pots)
Mammillaria hahniana (4″ pots)
Mammillaria standleyi (4″ pots)
Nananthus margaretiferus (4″ pots)
Thelocactus rinconensis (4″ pots)
Zephyranthes Prairie Sunset x Apricot (4″ pots) Rain Lily