New unique varieties of shrubs and trees just arrived for fall planting

Zelkova serrata 'Goshiki'

  • Acer macrophyllum Santiam Snows (one gallon pots) Variegated Bigleaf MAPLE

  • Acer palmatum Elena’s Coral Dawn (one gallon pots) Japanese Maple - Coral colored spring growth.

  • Acer palmatum Peve Starfish (one gallon pots)

  • Acer palamtum Twombly’s Red Sentinel (one gallon pots)

  • Chionanthus virginicus Little Leslie (one gallon pots) Dwarf Fringe Tree

  • Corylopsis spicata Golden Spring (one gallon pots) Winter Hazel

  • Drimys lanceolata Suzette (one gallon pots) Variegated Mountain Pepper

  • Embothrium coccineum (one gallon pots) Chilean Fire Tree

  • Fagus sylvatica Purpurea Nana (one gallon pots) Dwarf European Beech

  • Fagus sylvatica Rohan Red Weeping (one gallon pots) Weeping Beech Tree

  • Illicium floridanium Woodlanders Variegated (one gallon pots) Variegated Anise

  • Microbiota decussata Carnival (one gallon pots) Variegated Microbiota

  • Quercus cerris Aureo Marmorata (one gallon pots) Variegated Turkey Oak

  • Quercus rubra Wingle’s Variegated (one gallon pot) Variegated Red Oak Tree

  • Robinia pseudoacacia Frisia (one gallon pots) Golden Locust Tree

  • Viburnum falcatum (one gallon pots) Forked Viburnum - White lace cap flowers followed by red fruits turning black in fall. Beautiful Red fall color.

  • Zelkova serrata Goshiki (one gallon pots) Variegated Zelkova Tree


New Australian shrubs just arrived - plus a few other plants including new Tillandsias (air plants).


New plants available Friday during our fall sale