Contact Info for Peacock Horticultural Nursery


Robert Peacock

4296 Gravenstein Hwy S

CA-116 S

Sebastopol, CA 95472-6031

Phone: (707) 291-0547

Best to text or email me. Please send an Email if calling from a landline or if you have a long question(s), photos, and such.


Unfortunately, we are not able to provide a public restroom for customers.

Directions to Peacock Horticultural Nursery


Peacock Horticultural Nursery is located 4.1 miles from Hwy. 101 on Hwy 116 S, about half between Cotati and downtown Sebastopol.   We are located on the odd side of the highway address wise, so look to your right as you are driving towards Sebastopol.  The nursery is about 1000 feet from Llano Road.

Owners of Apple products beware!  If you use an Apple product to direct you to the nursery, they may take you across the street and down by Dewalt Road.  We are on the opposite side of the Hwy. and just a couple of properties down the road towards Sebastopol.  I have contacted Apple many times to fix their directions to our nursery, but they still have not fixed their error.