New plants available Friday during our fall sale
Leucadendron Wilson's Wonder
Agave ovatifolia Vanzie (5 gallon pots)
Blechnum spicant (one and 5 gallon pots) Deer Ferns
Centaurea ragusina Silver Swirl (one gallon pots)
Dryopteris erythrosora (4” & one gallon pots) Autumn Ferns
Dudleya Monterey Bay Nursery Hybrids (4” pots)
Farfugium japonicum var. giganteum (5 gallon pots)
Grevillea lanigera Mt. Tamboritha (one gallon pots)
Grevillea nudiflora Medusa (one gallon pots) Groundcover Grevillea
Leucadendron Ebony (one gallon pots)
Leucadendron galpinii (female) (5 gallon pots) Conebush - Great for flower arrangements.
Leucadendron linifolium (female) ( 5 gallon pots) Conebush - Great for arrangements.
Leucadendron Wilson Wonder (5 gallon pots)
Leucadendron Wonderland (5 gallon pots) Variegated form of L. Wilson’s Wonder
Leucospermum Blanche Ito (5 gallon pots)
Ophipogon planiscapus Nigrescens (4” pots) Black Mondo Grass
Pyrrosia lingua Compacta (one gallon pots)
Pyrrosia lingua Ogon Nishiki (one gallon pots) Variegated Tongue Fern
Sempervivum Gold Nugget (6” pots)
Sempervivum Gold Rush (6” pots)
Yucca rostrata Sapphire Skies (5 gallon pots)
A few new arrivals - succulents, caudiciforms & a cactus
Gerradanthus macrorhizus
Euphorbia obesa clumping form (6” pots)
Fockea crispa (8” pots)
Gerradanthus macrorhizus (6” pots)
Melocactus matazanus (6” pots)
New plant arrivals for the end of May 2024
Aloe x nobilis Great for feeding Hummingbirds in summer!
Agave salmiana var. ferox ‘Medio Picta’ (2 gallon pots)
Aloe capitata var. quarziticola (one gallon pots)
Aloe x nobilis (2 gallon pots) Summer blooms for your hummers!
Echeveria agavoides ‘Lipstick’ (2 gallon pots) Hardy succulent.
Lomandra hystrix ‘Sunprite’ (3 gallon pots) Hardy variegated Rush for sun to part shade. Low water needs.
Lomandra longifolia Miner’s Gold (one gallon pots)
Malephora purpureo-crocea (one gallon pots) Succulent groundcover with orange flowers.
Mangave ‘Falling Waters’ (2 gallon pots)
Mangave ‘Pineapple Express’ (one gallon pots)
Operculicarya decaryi (2 gallon pots) Elephant Tree
Sinningia ‘Lovely’ (one gallon pots) Dark pink hardy Gloxinia
Templetonia retusa (5 gallon pots) Coral Bush
Xanthorrhea preissii (7 gallon Squat pot) Western Australian Grass Tree
New Succulents, Australian Plants and more for May 2024
Aeonium Chanel (syn. Aeonium Cornish Rose)
Acacia cognata ‘Cousin Itt’ (one & five gallon pots)
Aeonium Chanel (4” pots) syn A. Cornish Rose
Aeonium Medusa (4” pots)
Aeonium Pink Witch (4” pots)
Aeonium Superbang (4” pots)
Aeonium Venus (4” pots)
Aeonium White Halloween (4” pots)
Aeonium Zeus (4” pots)
Aeonium Zwartkin Crested (4” pots)
Agave stricta (one gallon pots)
Ajuga reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ (4” pots)
Aloe ariatata (4” pots)
Aloe brevifolia (2 gallon pots) Currently in bloom!
Alstroemeria ‘Princess Lisa’ (one gallon pots) Yellow flowers.
Alstroemeria ‘ Princess Yentl’ (one gallon pots) Yellow & white flowers
Begonia ‘Lotusland’ (five gallon pots)
Callistemon viminalis ‘Little John’ (one gallon pots) Dwarf Bottlebrush
Delosperma dyeri ‘Red Mountain Flame’ (4” pots) Orange/red flowers. Succulent groundcover.
Delosperma nubigenum ‘White Wonder’ (4” pots) Succulent groundcover.
Dudleya brittonii (4” pots)
Dudleya farinosa ‘North Coast Form’ (4” pots)
Dudleya Steven McCabe Hybrids (one gallon pots)
Euphorbia martinii ‘Ascot Rainbow’ (Quart pots)
Euphorbia ‘Miner’s Merlot’ (4” pots)
Grevillea ‘Austroflora Fanfare’ (five gallon pots)
Grevillea gaudichaudii (five gallon pots)
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ (4” pots) Forest Grass
Jovibarba heuffelii ‘Beacon Hill’ (4” pots)
Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ (one gallon pots)
Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’ (one gallon pots)
Origanum Kirigami (Quart pots) Ornamental Oregano
Polystichum setiferum ‘Plumosum Densum’ (4” pots)
Sedum burrito (4” pots) Donkey’s Tail
Sedum lineare ‘Sea Urchin’ (4” pots)
Sedum makinoi ‘Ogon’ (4” pots)
Sedum rupestre ‘ Angelina’ (4” pots)
Sempervivum ‘Onyx’ (4” pots) Mahogany to black foliage.
Silene uniflora ‘Druett’s Variegated’ (Quart pots)
Yucca rostrata ‘Sapphire Skies (five gallon pots)
New plants have arrived for Spring
Leucadendron Ebony
New succulents, Australians plants and ferns have arrived just in time for Spring. We also received a few Beschorneria Flamingo Glow in one-gallon containers. Our Flamingo Glow in our garden just bloomed.
Agave ‘Blue Glow’ (one gallon pots)
Agave geminiflora (one gallon pots)
Aloe ‘Hercules’ (one gallon pots)
Beschorneria y. ‘Flamingo Glow’ (one gallon pots)
Coniogramme e. ‘Golden Zebra’ (2 gallon pots)
Grevillea lavandulacea ‘Penola’ (one gallon pots)
Grevillea ‘Moonlight’ (5 gallon pots)
Jovibarba h. ‘Beacon Hill’ (4” pots)
Leucadendron ‘Ebony’ (one gallon pots)
Pteris cretica ‘Albo-lineata’ (4” pots)
Pyrrosia l. ‘Ogon Nishki’ (2 gallon pots)
Sedum r. ‘Angelina’ (4” pots)
Sedum ‘Wildfire’ (4” pots)
New Australian Plants, Succulents, Ferns and more have arrived!
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
- Adiantum venustum (one gallon pots)
Coniogramme e. Golden Zebra (2 gallon pots)
Cordyline obtecta Superstar (one gallon pots) Nice dark leaved variety.
Echeveria agavoides Ebony (2 gallon pots)
Echeveria ‘Ebony’
Echeveria agavoides Scarlet (6″ pots)
Echinocactus grunsonii (2 gallon pots) Golden Barrel Cactus
Elegia capensis (5 gallon pots) Restio
Leucadendron s. Golden Tulip (5 gallon pots)
Leucadendron s. Strawberry Blonde (one gallon pots)
- Lysimachia n. Goldilocks (Quart pots)
Protea cynaroides Mini King (5 gallon pots)
Protea Pink Ice (5 gallon pots)
Pyrrosia lingua Cristata (one gallon pots)
Agave celsii var. albicans ‘UCB’ finally available!
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
- Agave celcii var. albicans ‘UCB’ (3 gallon pots)
Agave parrasana ‘Sea Star’ (3 gallon pots) This variety has done very well with all the cold and winter wet that mother nature has been throwing at them planted in our garden.
Agave toumeyana var. bella (2 gallon pots)
Aloe arborescens ‘Spineless’ (5 gallon pots)
Aloe ‘Chico Banana’ (3 gallon pots) Yellow flowers
Begonia ‘Joyful Jasper’ (2 gallon pots) Beautiful dark leaved variety!
Cussonia paniculata ssp. sinuata (5 gallon pots)
Mangave ‘Tooth Fairy’ (one gallon pots) This Mangave has tested very well in the garden to handle cold and wet.
Spiky New Arrivals: Mammillarias, Gymnocalyciums, and More!
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
Bijlia dilatata (syn. B. cana) (4″ pots)
Dioscorea elephantipes (4″ pots)
Echinopsis ferox – syn. E. backebergii (4″ and 6″ pots)
Euphorbia inermis v. huttonae (6″ pots)
Euphorbia inermis v. inermis (4″ and 6″ pots)
Euphorbia gorgonis (4″ pots)
Euphorbia shoenlandii (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium bruchii (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium pflanzii v. albipulpi (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium ragonesei (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium reductum ‘leucodictyon’ (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium ritterianum (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium saglionis (4″ pots)
Gymnocalycium makieanus (syn G. schatzilianum) (4″ pots)
Haworthia emelyae v. comptoniana (4″ pots)
Lithops bromfieldii (4″ pots)
Mammillaria baumii (4″ pots)
Mammilloydia candida (4″ pots)
Mammillaria hahniana (4″ pots)
Mammillaria standleyi (4″ pots)
Nananthus margaretiferus (4″ pots)
Thelocactus rinconensis (4″ pots)
Zephyranthes Prairie Sunset x Apricot (4″ pots) Rain Lily
First shipment of new plants for 2024.
Peacock Horticultural Nursery
- Acanthus mollis Tasmanian Angel (one gallon pots)
Adiantum venustum (on gallon pots)
Agave geminiflora (5 gallon pots)
Agave sebastiana Silver Lining (5 gallon pots)
Aloe striatula Variegata (2 gallon pots)
Coniogramme emeiensis Golden Zebra (one gallon & 2 gallon pots)
Dasylirion longissimum (one gallon and 5 gallon pots)
Echeveria agavoides Ebony (6″ pots)
Helleborus orientalis Double Picotee (one gallon pots)
Helleborus orientalis Single Spotted (one gallon pots)
Lemmaphyllum microphyllum (4″ pots)
Leucospermum Scarlet Ribbons (5 gallon pots)
Lomandra longifolia Platinum Beauty (QT pots)
Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks (QT pots)
Polystichum setiferum Plumosum Densum (one gallon pots)
Rosularia muratdaghensis (4″ pots)
Saxifraga stolonifera (QT pots)
Schefflera delavayi (one gallon & 5 gallon pots)
Sedum Cherry Tart (4 pots)
Sedum Firecracker (4″ pots)