New Succulents just arrived and a few other plants.
Agave salmiana var. ferox 'Medio Picta'
Sincoregelia Galactic Warrior
Aeonium Jack Catlin (2 gallon pots)
Aeonium Purple Queen (3 gallon pots)
Agave bovicornuta Holstein (2 gallon)
Agave magnifica (3 gallon)
Agave parrasana Sea Star (3 gallon)
Agave salmiana var. ferox Medio Picta (2 gallon)
Agave Snow Glow (2 gallon)
Agave Tres Equis (3 gallon)
Aloe Chico Banana (3 gallon)
Aloe marlothii Utrecht Form (3 gallon)
Aloe nobilis Variegata ( 2 gallon)
Alstroemeria Indian Summer (2 gallon)
Cannomois grandis (one gallon pots)
Cannomois grandis Large Seed Form (5 gallon pots)
Echeveria Lipstick (2 gallon pots)
Echeveria Mexican Giant (2 gallon pots)
Lomandra h. Lucky Stripe (one gallon pots)
Mangave Praying Hands (one gallon pots)
Melaleuca incana Prostrate Form (one gallon pots)
Sincoregelia Galactic Warrior (2 gallon pots)
Yucca queretaroenisss RTT (obe gallon pots)
Mangave Praying Hands
Agave bovicornuta Holstein
Agave salmiana var. ferox Medio Picta
Agave Snow Glow
Echeveria Mexican Giant
Echeveria agavoides Lipstick
Aeonium Jack Catlin
New plants - Lots of new succulents and more!
Agave celsii albicans UCB
Acacia aphylla (5 gallon pots)
Aechmea caudata variegata (5 gallon pots)
Agave attenuata Kara’s Stripes (2 gallon pots)
Agave bracteosa Monterey Frost (2 gallon pots) Variegated
Agave celsii var. albicans ‘UCB’ ( 3 gallon pots)
Agave oteroi Filigree (2 gallon pots)
Agave oteroi Filigree Devil (P5 pots)
Agave oteroi Solar Eclipse (2 gallon pots)
Aloe reitzii (one gallon pots)
Aloe marlothii Utrecht form (one gallon pots)
Athanasia dentata (one gallon pots)
Cussonia paniculata ssp sinuata (one gallon pots)
Drosanthemum speciosum (one gallon pots)
Echeveria agavoides Prolifera (3 gallon pots)
Echeveria colorata Mexican Giant (2 gallon pots)
Echium simplex (one gallon pots)
Hymenolepis crithmifolia (one gallon pots)
Lomandra hystrix Sunsprite (3 gallon pots)
Mangave Pineapple Express (one gallon & 2 gallon pots)